Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Still in Lira

Hello good people who probably have electricity and hot water.  I am currently sitting on my bed at 11 AM bored out of my mind.  Yesterday I ended up going and seeing the villages where the huts will be built.  I saw the places that these children are currently living in, it is pretty bad.  So it is a good sign that huts are actually needed.  In order to get to this village it was a 90 Km motercycle ride on bumpy dirt roads.  I was also wearing a skirt and flip flops.  Needless to say it was a beautiful drive, but my butt still hurts. I then met with the engineer who gave me a projection that is wildly over budget.  The huts that he is suggesting are also very lavish and extravagant. They consist of 2 rooms and a sitting room, and it is rectngular.  Mind you, most huts everywhere here are circular and not anywhere close to that big.  So that was an interesting conversation.  I asked if we could cut out the sitting room and he said that would cut the cost in half; however they want a house that kids are proud to live in.  I do not agree, we could build ten houses for the cost of  5 without the sitting room.  But what do I know, I am just a white person in Africa trying to help an area that might not even want help.

So I was done yesterday around 3.  I went to the only resturant that I trust the food at, ordered a pizza, and went back to my room.  I skyped Josh for a bit and then ate the WHIOLE pizza and didnt get out of bed until this morning. At 6.  Because the people who work here knock on my door all the time.

Now I have nothing scheduled for today until 5 pm.  I am going to meet all of the children who are benificiaries for the huts.  Yay more awful stories about being abducted by the LRA. 

Until then I shall lay in bed and be bored. I finished another book, that makes 6 for this trip, and I would watch a movie but the power is out and I do not want my tablet to die. So the options are sleep or read some more.  I am going with sleep. I wish Lira had more to do in it.  It is very much a working town and I am pretty sure only I would choose to vacation here.

I also had the idea to go to a club last night just to check it out.... but as I was leaving the pizza place a HUGE truck full of South Sudanese soldiers, fully armed,  pulled into the other resturant down town.  The idea to leave later that night was squashed by the fear of being abducted and held hostage in Sudan, or just killed.  Yes mom I am using my brain. 

So hopefully this meeting today goes well.  I always like seeing kids. 

Love you all!

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