Tuesday, June 7, 2016

DRC Day 2

First off... this super nice hotel that we are staying at had hard boiled eggs and I was way too excited.  I may have had 4.  Anyways, onto the more important things. Today we were supposed to go and talk to some former child soldiers that were in a rehabilitation facility based in Goma.  We were hoping that we would be able to conduct a few interviews.   When we showed up it ended up being an administrative building, and we are currently waiting on UNICEF's approval to go to the actual rehabilitation center tomorrow.

After that we went to a port on Lake Kivu to catch a boat to an island in Virunga National Park.  We arrived at 11 am to the port.... and did not get picked up by the boat until 1:45, so that was fun.  Then when the boat did show up... It was tiny.  Like tiny to the point of only fitting 3 passangers and one driver.  There are 6 people in our group. So Kristin, John and I got into the boat and braced ourselves for an extremely interesting boat ride.  So because you do not know, Lake Kivu is huge... I mean HUGE, and is known for how windy it is... so the waves on the lake are also huge.  This little boat barely made it across the lake, but I have not laughed that hard in a long time. No worries mom... I obviously made it back safely! 

The park itself, at least the little part we saw was absolutely beautiful, minus the spiders that were the size of my hand!  I will attach pictures.  The lunch was delicious and worth the life threatening boat ride. We made it back to the dock and then the hotel.  I am currently drinking a beer and chilling with my ex-professors.  Life is good.

Side note: the food. IS SO GOOD.  Starchy. BUT SO GOOD. The normal meal has potatoes, beef or chicken, some veggie mix, bread, cassava, more potatoes, and fruit. Curry is included in everything, and I thought I did not like it, but I do... al ot. I had tilapia  for lunch today, but it did not come from Lake Kivu; it came from Lake Victoria.  Apparently there are major methane deposites all in Lake Kivu, probably has to do with the multipule volcanoes here, so there are almost no fish in the lake.  Anyway, the fish was good.  This post has gotten kind of long so shout out to everyone who has read this far and did not just look at the picture!

Also... for some reason my spell check is NOT working, and all of you know I am terrible at spelling, so I apologize for terrible spelling.

Love you guys, mostly my mom... but everyone!

Edited by Kristin.  So if anything is wrong, blame her. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think I would survive there given the description of the food. Keep the blogs coming. I'm living vicariously through you. Stay safe!!
