Sunday, June 26, 2016


So it turns out that the people incharge of the project that I am supposed to be helping with have no idea what I am supposed to be doing either.  The woman that I am working with does not return to Lira until monday.... so what does that mean for me?  First of all I am mad that this NGO cannot get their stuff together, and if I had known it was going to be this unorganized I would have traveled somewhere else for my last 10 days here.  But since I am here and waiting till monday to see if I can get Huts for Peace started I decided to take a trip up to Merchison National Park.  It was totally worth the 4 hour drive.  On the drive to the hostel I stayed at we saw hippos, elephants, and antelope ( they all have different names but I cannot remember any of them).

I arrived at like 3 in the afternoon and grabbed a burger at the hostel.  There is also a beautiful man from South Africa that works there, who moved to Uganda when he was 14 and has lived there for 13 years.  So that made the stay fun!  I went on a safari evening drive and saw EVERYTHING!  We saw Hyenas, Giraffes, Elephants, Water Buffalo, all the grass eaters... and A PACK OF LIONS!  They are very rare to see in Uganda... and I saw 8 of them.  7 female and one male.  It was amazing.  I went back to my South African husband and the hostel, had an amazinng dinner... I actually have no idea what it was, but it tasted good.  So late that night, at like 9, they realized that they did not have enough rooms for me there.  So i had to catch a ride to a hostel down the street, I thought I was winning big time because the reception area was a really nice lodge.  However.... the rooms were pretty terrible.  My bed sheets had a HUGE yellow stain on them, the water smelled like metal, and the mosquito net literally laid on my face all night.  It was really exciting...not.  I also managed to break the bathroom door handle, so that was really embaressing.

The next morning I took a river boat tour down the nile .  I kid you not when I say I saw well over 300 hippos, and they are adorable.  They make this weird grunting noise, and if you make it back to them they talk to you!  However cute they are, they are still massive and terrifying.  We also saw quite a few crocodiles... and let me tell you...I will not be swimming in the Nile anytime soon. These Crocs get up to 5 meters long and they are very scary looking and swim very fast.  They had to kill a croc 2 weeks ago because it was hunting people.  Sooooo yeah , no swimming in the nile for me.  Then we headed to Merchison falls on the boat.  It is the most powerful waterfall in the world because of the amount of water it spews out in such a small area.  This is also where Hemingway crashed his plane... twice.  He survived both.

The boat tour was really fun, but here is when my story starts to get interesting, and not for the better. So I call GLI ( the NGO im with)and ask how I am getting back to Lira.  They have no clue ( just like they have no clue about the huts) and so I have to drive ALL the way back to Kampala ( the capital) and then catch a public transport bus back up to Lira.  So I spent 6 hours on a bus yesterday, and will probably spend another 6 on a bus tomorrow.  I am kind of pissed to say the least.  And I bet that come monday Huts for Peace will still not start.  If I spoke the language I would be more helpful, but I do not, so I need GLI''s assistance in this.  And they are curently NOT pulling through.

So I woke up this morning around 9 and walked everywhere to try and find Wifi, because the guest house I am in does not have it.  And I FINALLY found a nice looking bar/resturant that says FREE WIFI really large on their sign.  So after 2 miles of walking I finally sit down and order a coffe. I pulled out my tablet to write this wonderful blog and the wifi does not connect.  They lady tells me there is no wifi here, despite what the sign says.  So I am writing this off line and drinking some coffee.  On the plus side this is one of the better cups of coffee that I have had; it has some ginger in it, which I have learned I like alot.

So my quest for a purpose here continues, also my quest for Wifi.  I am about to buy a wireless router on their network and just have that with me so I have Wifi everywhere.  I feel so boogie doing that, however, if I am going to be sitting around for the next week or so I at least want to be able to watch netflix. Actually if something does not change with GLI by tuesday I am going to go back to Merchison, stay in their resort hotel, and tan for a week by the pool and the hippos.  It has been decided.  I hope everyone is doing well!!  I still love Uganda, just peeved at the moment!

I will attach as many pictures as possible but alot of them are on my phone, and I have no idea how to put the on my tablet from my phone :)
Love you guys!

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